Weekly Update

Dear ECS Family,

Monday, September 19th is Talk Like a Pirate Day. Pirate costumes are encouraged. We use opportunities like this to combine learning and fun, and we remember the words of the Psalmist "They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep" (Psalm 107:23-24).

Thursday, September 22nd is the Upper School Disputatio. Students will debate the proposition "Resolved: Voting is our most fundamental freedom." All students in 7th-12th grade will participate.

On Wednesday, September 28th we will have our first Parent-Teacher Fellowship Meeting at 6:30 PM. This is where we facilitate working together on extra-curricular activities, events, and changes; this is also a formal mechanism for parents and guardians can have direct input into the life of the school. We believe that we partner with you in education, and we want you to always be informed and have a voice in our decisions.

On Friday, September 30th we have our first scheduled Parent-Teacher Conference. Please note that we ask parents and teachers to schedule these meetings, and they can be scheduled on other days as well. If there is an issue you want to address, or you just want to check up on how class is going, schedule a meeting with your student's teacher(s). Teachers may also ask to schedule a meeting.

Picture Day is scheduled for October 3rd. We do ask for all students to wear the logo uniform. I know there have been supply chain issues in regard to both polos and pants. If you are still waiting on this, please just do the best you can.

I want to communicate some updated information regarding COVID-19. We no longer require quarantine merely for exposure to COVID-19. For those who are exposed and have symptoms, we do ask those students to remain at home. Please use your good judgment and discretion. Those who test positive should still remain at home.

Finally, the week of September 26th-30th, we are going to do a trial run of having a light breakfast buffet. Morning Assembly will take place in the Multi-Purpose Room (cafeteria).Students will have the option of purchasing breakfast at a flat rate of $3; which may be paid in advance or paid with cash. For that $3, students will be able to choose any combination of 3 breakfast items. The initial items will include: Welch's Juice; Oatmeal; Pop-Tarts; Nuts (peanuts, cashews, honey roasted peanuts); Pancake & Sausage on a Stick; Yogurt Tube; and Applesauce. This is experimental, if there's a lack of interest we will not continue doing it. We may also discover we need to do it a different way (such as selling individual items rather than as a flat rate). Feedback is greatly appreciated. In addition, you are free to send your students with a breakfast which they will have a chance to eat before Morning Assembly (from 7:30-7:50). If students eat breakfast at home they will merely report to the Multi-Purpose Room and socialize until Morning Assembly starts.

That's all for this week. Thank you for all your support!

God bless,
Headmaster Batten


Weekly Update


Weekly Update