Partners & Affiliations
Below is a short list of some of our most important partners and affiliations. Emmanuel Christian School could not exist without the support and prayers of these champions of Christian education.
The Home of Emmanuel Christian School
As the inscription in our 1978 yearbook reads, “ We shall always be grateful to the people of Emmanuel Baptist Church for their love and dedication that is the foundation of our Christians school.”
Association of Classical and Christian Schools
Emmanuel Christian School is a member of the Association of Classical and Christian Schools. The ACCS helps to promote, establish, and equip member school that are committed to a classical approach in the light of a Christian worldview.
Geronimo, AMEN!
Watch and learn how the Association of Classical Christian Schools got started and join us in saying, “Geronimo, Amen!”
Covenant School
Covenant School is a classical Christian K-12 school in Huntington, and the first classical Christian School in West Virginia. Covenant has been been key in helping Emmanuel in its own transition to become a classical Christian school through its partnership which includes the sharing of curriculum and ideas, mentoring by Covenant’s Head of School, Mr. Craig Hefner, and the many prayers and support of its people.
Our partnership with Covenant is bringing truth & light to the students of West Virginia

West Virginia Christian Education Association
Emmanuel Christian School has been a member of the WVCEA for many years and greatly appreciates its tireless advocacy for Christian education in the state of West Virginia. The fruit of which is most clearly seen in the passage of school choice legislation in our state.