Logic & Rhetoric School
(7th-12th Grade)
Emmanuel Christian School’s deepest desire is for students to grow to delight in the truth, goodness, and beauty of God as revealed to us through the Holy Scriptures. As students get older, they begin to question things more and look for ways to express themselves- good or bad.
In our logic and rhetoric school, we lean into that natural development and begin teaching our students to think and reason logically beginning in their final year of grammar school. As students progress and learn to formulate sound arguments, the focus shifts in their final years to rhetoric and being able to demonstrate their mastery through the art of persuasion using both speaking and writing to finely articulate their thoughts.
Upper school teachers celebrating Reformation Day on Oct. 31, 2022.
Meet our headmaster and Logic & Rhetoric School leader, Mr. Josiah Batten
Our Logic and Rhetoric Schools are led by our headmaster at Emmanuel, Mr. Josiah Batten. Mr. Batten is well-suited for the task of preparing our students to think logically and communicate effectively as he holds master’s degrees in Apologetics from Luther Rice College and Seminary and in Biblical Studies from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary as well as a BS in Business Administration from Fairmont State.
In addition, he also has a number of published publications including:
“Bayesian Reasoning and Jesus Mythicism: Responding to Raphael Lataster” in Hope’s Reason: A Journal of Apologetics Volume 5, No. 1 (2014-215).
Cease or Persist: Does Prophecy Continue into the Present Age? A Debate (with Seth Campbell), Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.
And is a featured contributor for West Virginia for the Gospel and The Mountain Musket.
Our Logic and Rhetoric School Teachers
Mr. Josiah Batten
Mrs. Brenda Bolyard
Mr. Scott Burcham
Mr. Jordan Batten
Mr. Mark Cawthron
Mrs. Adrienne Leach
Mr. Jeff Price
Music Theory/ Band
Mr. Scott Burcham’s room is one of the coolest rooms on campus but don’t let that fool you- he brings the heat in Bible class.
Program Offerings & Tuition For 2022-2023
STEP 1: Review and agree with our educational philosophy, requirements, and curriculum.
We aim to cultivate souls through truth, goodness, and beauty. We believe education is an end in itself, and that the liberal arts are inherently worthy of study. Our students learn how to learn. That is, we endorse a classical view of education.
Admission to our school depends not merely on academics, but on alignment with our broader philosophy and demonstrated commitment to Christian education. Families of students must:
Be members or regular attendees of a church of like faith (at least one parent/guardian professing faith);
Understand classical Christian education and be committed to it;
Agree to willingly and joyfully follow all rules/requirements of ECS;
Agree to work through any issues in relation to ECS directly with the Administration in the spirit of Matthew 18:15-20.
We contract with teachers for an entire academic year. We want to make sure you understand the nature of our educational process and are committed to a classical, Christian philosophy. Once you enroll, you are making a commitment to pay all tuition and fees (note, we do allow tuition to be paid in installments). We act in good faith expecting that you will honor this commitment.
Our curriculum is chosen to support our educational philosophy. Broadly, our school is broken down into our grammar school (K3 – 6th), logic school (7th-8th) and rhetoric school (9th-12th). In our grammar school, the emphasis is on learning to read (through phonics), learning basic facts, and learning the vocabulary of each subject. As students get older, they begin to question things more. We lean into that natural development, and begin to teach them logic. In our rhetoric school, the focus is on demonstrating mastery through persuasion. This involves both speaking and writing.
STEP 2: Inquire about enrollment by filling out our inquiry form.
STEP 3: Interview with our Headmaster, Mr. Batten.
STEP 4: If, based on previous steps, it is determined your family is a good fit with our school and we have open seats, you will be invited to apply.