ECS Golf Tournament
Every year, Emmanuel Christian School hosts a golf tournament to help support our mission of making classical Christian education accessible and affordable for families in North Central West Virginia. We are excited to hold our tournament at The Bel Meadow Golf Club in Clarksburg this year.
2023 ECS Golf Tournament Details:
Where: Bel Meadows Golf Club on Rt 19 in Clarksburg
When: August 11, 2023
Registration at 11 am | Lunch at 12 pm | Shotgun Start at 1 pm
Cost: $350 per Team. Four players on a team.
Register: You can register online using the link below or download a paper copy of the registration form by clicking below.

Help us make classical, Christian education more accessible and affordable for families in our community by sponsoring our golf tournament.
Hole Sponsorship $250.00
All sponsors receive…
Reference in all promotional materials, including the event website.
Opportunity to include branded items in player gift bags.
Premium hole sponsorship.
Extended rights to retain sponsorship on a 1-year continuum.