Why Classical?
Curious about why you should consider a classical Christian education for your child. Take a few moments to watch this informative video that highlights some of the distinctions between a Christian school and a classical Christian school. You can also find a treasure trove of information on classical Christian schools by visiting www.classicalchristian.org
We advertise being a classical Christian school, but what exactly does that mean?
It means first and foremost that we are Christians. We are committed to proclaiming the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ, the payment for sin through His death, burial, and resurrection (see 1 Corinthians 15:1-8). Further, we believe the Lordship of Jesus Christ extends to everything we do, everything we think, and everything we are.
That being the case, the question is how to proclaim the Lordship of Jesus Christ through education itself. And we believe that is best done through a curriculum and method of teaching that sees all knowledge and all disciplines as interrelated, ultimately finding their end in God. Think of it like a great mountain, we see the pinnacle and know that our goal is to reach the top. We also know that the top must be supported by a much larger base. If the pinnacle of the mountain of education is glorifying God, our Creator, how do we get there?
That is where classical comes into play. In our view the purpose of education is discipleship, building Christian character through the development of virtue. We want students to walk in wisdom, and the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord (Proverbs 1:1f). Wisdom is not a list of do’s and don'ts. Wisdom is a well-built life. As Rome wasn’t built in a day, Christian character isn’t built in an instant. Over the course of life children develop and grow.
Classical education leans into this natural development of children into adults via grammar school (roughly K-6th Grade), logic school (roughly 7th-8th Grade) and rhetoric school (roughly 9th-12th Grade). We learn a subject by learning its grammar, the basic language used to talk about and describe it. Then we learn the why of the subject, its internal logic. Finally, we begin to see how the subject relates to other things we know, making connections and drawing conclusions that one subject in isolation cannot support. That’s rhetoric.
We believe God spoke and the world existed (Genesis 1:1f). We believe Jesus is the Word (John 1:1). We believe the Bible is God’s written Word (2 Timothy 3:16). Grammar, the study of words, is not just an arbitrary discipline. Words are the nature of things. To study them through grammar, to understand them through logic, and to use them in discovery through rhetoric is crucial to walking in wisdom. As you might imagine, this type of study is not your typical textbook and worksheet type of study. It’s a deep and meaningful engagement with ideas of eternal value. It’s the cultivation of the soul through beauty, goodness, and truth.
This cultivation of the soul also serves a more immediate purpose. Namely, our nation requires a moral and informed citizenry. Our republic can only be sustained through virtuous and good people. Our Founding Fathers, many of whom were classically educated themselves, understood this. Freedom requires responsibility, it requires living in wisdom. Classical Christian education both serves the church and sustains the nation.
So why classical Christian education? In summary:
Because God is our Creator and we should honor Him by walking in wisdom;
Because children deserve the chance to develop and grow in a way that aligns with their nature; and,
Because our nation must be sustained by moral and virtuous citizens.
Academically Excellent
W. Edward Deming
W. Edward Deming who many consider to be the father of quality management and the third wave of the industrial revolution once quipped, “In God we trust. All others must bring data.” At Emmanuel, we understand that many of our prospective families might appreciate our emphasis on the development of virtue and Christian character building and at the same time want proof of our academic excellence.
Fortunately, that data exists. In 2018-19, the sociology department at the University of Notre Dame under the direction of Dr. David Sikkink conducted a comparative study of 24-42 years old alumni from public, secular private, Catholic, evangelical Christian, religious homeschool, and classical Christian schools on topics of life-choices, preparation, attitudes, values, opinions, and practices.
The results confirmed what history has repeatedly demonstrated- classical Christian education can influence the course of a home, a community, or even a nation. You can view the full report below or visit the Good Soil Study’s website at www.classicaldifference.com/good-soil
Portraits of ECS Graduates
RACHEL WILHELM, RN (Class of ‘14)
“I attended Emmanuel Christian School from K-3 thru graduation. At Emmanuel Christian School, I received a well-rounded education that prepared me for adult life. The teachers cared enough to answer our questions and sit down with us to explain what we didn’t understand. They had students over to their houses, and took us on school trips to competitions, educational field trips, and even a senior trip to Orlando. The comprehensive science classes prepared me well for nursing school and set me up for up for college success. Bible quizzing gave me the opportunity to memorize large portions of Scripture. There was prayer before each class, and each teacher taught their subject from a Biblical worldview. I learned teamwork and sportsmanship while playing volleyball. The fine arts programs taught me hard work and dedication. Overall, I learned many valuable lessons and my character developed over the years there.”
“I attended Emmanuel Christian School from kindergarten to graduation, I not only received a great God centered education but the teachers prepared me for college and life beyond high school, specifically Mrs. Fitch and Mrs. Thomas. I’m so grateful for the teachers I had when I was at Emmanuel, I would not be where I am today if it weren’t for them. My teachers genuinely cared about me and the other students and not only taught us in the classroom but outside of the classroom as well. Fine Arts was incredible, Bible Quizzing itself taught me commitment and responsibility of working in a team and it gave me the opportunity to memorize bible verses and large portions of scripture which helped me grow spiritually. The opportunity to be able to attend a Christian School and learn Christian values and biblical views as I did at Emmanuel has helped me in my journey as a new wife and in my nursing career.”
Passionately Christ-Centered
Emmanuel Christian School was intentionally founded on the basis that we must understand the entire world in light of Christ and that He is the light in which we see truth. As our beloved former pastor, C. Richard Phelps, once said, “All knowledge centers in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ and should be taught in the light of the Word of God.” Christians simply cannot understand the world in a Biblical way without reference to Jesus Christ.
For this reason, Emmanuel Christian School endeavors to:
Teach subjects as a part of an integrated whole with the Scriptures at the center (2 Tim. 3:16-17; Col. 1:15-20).
Provide a clear model of the Biblical Christian life through our staff and board (Matt. 22:37-40; Matt. 5:13-16).
Encourage every child to begin and develop his relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:18-20; Matt. 19:13-15).
We would also encourage you, our visitor to this site, to take stock of your own life and consider whether you know Jesus. It is our desire for you as well that you would come to know Jesus Christ and trust in His death burial and resurrection that you might have life and have it more abundantly.
Please consider watching this short video by Pastor Paul Washer of Heart Cry Ministries as he shares the glorious gospel of Christ and how you can have your sins forgiven by repenting of your sin and trusting Christ as Lord and Savior. If you have further questions or have placed your faith and trust in Christ and desire to be baptized or join a local church, please send our pastoral team an email at pastors@emmanuelclarksburg.com
The Glorious Gospel or Good News of God