Dear ECS Family, Victory High School Alumni, Adamston Elementary Alumni, and Clarksburg Community:

We did not win the auction.

It is natural and appropropriate to feel some level of disappointment here.

But it is not a sorrow without joy. In 19 days, we received $121,000 in pledges! Some of this came from ECS Alumni, from Emmanuel Baptist Church, and other friends of ECS. But a great deal of it came from friends we did not know we had. The greater community rallied around us in ways we could not imagine! We are so profoundly thankful for this demonstration of tremendous support. Words cannot express what your pledges, encouragement, and friendship mean to us.

In God's economy, none of this is wasted. "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28).

Beyond realizing this amazing groundswell of support, this experience also brings us clarity. For some time we debated if we want to try to find a larger location or to stay where we are. This experience answered that for us definitively. We want to find a new location, and as we continue growing we need one.

This is not the end! We will continue to watch, look for opportunities, and see what doors God may open for us. He has sustained this ministry for 50 years, and we continue to trust in Him as we look to the future. We remain committed to serving Harrison County and the surrounding region in offering a world-class classical Christian education.

Once again, we are so overwhelmed by the demonstration of support we've experienced these last few weeks. In the coming days we will work to contact each and every one of you that pledged support. Thank you, and go Eagles!

In Christ,

Headmaster Batten



$ 121,493.23