At Emmanuel Christian School, we believe that the resurrection of Jesus Christ changes everything including how we ought to educate our children!
The famous English writer, G. K. Chesterton, argued this very point in his great apologetical work, The Everlasting Man. Chesterton who was greatly disturbed by the teachings of his day, specifically those of H.G. Wells who insisted that man was merely an animal, wrote his book as a rebuttal to show that this kind of secular thinking was dead and should not be tolerated any longer in light of the empty tomb of Christ. Chesterton believed that the resurrection had brought about a new creation and with it a new understanding of the world.
“On the third day, the friends of Christ coming at daybreak to the place found the grave empty and the stone rolled away. In varying ways they realized the new wonder; but even they hardly realized that the world had died in the night. What they were looking at was the first day of a new creation, with a new heaven and a new earth.”
Unfortunately, many Christian parents today, like those friends of Christ, fail to fully realize the new wonder and embrace the new creation that Christ has secured for them by the power of His resurrection. Perhaps nowhere is this more clearly seen than in how they chose to educate their children. Rather than educate their children in light of the empty tomb of Christ, they continue to give them over to the secularists of our own day who like H.G. Wells continue to entice them with dead ideas that are antithetical to Christianity.
The reality is that education is a religious endeavor for every student and as Douglas Wilson notes if you make that education godless, it stands to reason that the life of the student will be made godless as well.
For a better understanding of what public education looks like in America, consider watching the informative documentary, The Miseducation of America below. You can watch it for free using promo code: CLASSROOM. It is our hope that after giving serious thought to the educational system of our day that you would come to agree with best selling author and senior editor at The American Conservative, Rod Dreher, that:
Because public education in America is neither rightly ordered, nor religiously informed, nor able to form an imagination devoted to Western civilization, it is time for all Christians to pull their children out of the public school system. If those reasons weren’t already enough, the corrosive effect of the toxic peer culture found among students in many public schools (as well as private ones) would confirm the case…Plus, public schools by nature are on the front lines of the latest and worst trends in popular culture.
Emmanuel Christian School: Educating in Light of the Empty Tomb!
At Emmanuel Christian School, we believe like G.K. Chesterton that the resurrection changes everything and we seek to educate every student in light of the empty tomb. We are unapologetically Christian and are committed to proclaiming the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the payment for sin through His death, burial, and resurrection (see 1 Corinthians 15:1-8).
In addition, we believe that the Lordship of Jesus Christ extends to everything we do, everything we think, and everything we are. As our kids joyfully proclaim:
If the tomb is empty then Jesus is Lord of EVERYTHING!
Not only is Jesus Lord but He is a loving Lord. At Emmanuel Christian School, our first and foremost desire is that our children would know the immeasurable love of God made available to us through His Son, Jesus Christ. We take every opportunity to encourage our students to begin and develop their relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We accomplish this by creating a learning environment that is saturated with the Scriptures. Listen as our Kindergarten class quotes John 3:16.
If the tomb is empty, then God’s heart is full- full of love for His Son and for those who believe in Him.
Because it is a new day and the tomb is empty and God’s heart is full of love for those of us who believe in Christ Jesus, our hearts and halls ought to be filled with joy and singing! At Emmanuel, we place great importance on teaching our children to recognize that which is true, good, and beautiful. The gift of music is one of the most beautiful gifts given to man and we make every effort to fan it into flame. Music is incorporated into every class and our school is fortunate to have some of the very best musicians supporting our students. Listen to a few examples of the beautiful sounds that emanate from within the halls of Emmanuel Christian School. And consider joining us in singing a chorus that is nearly 50 years in the making.
If the tomb is empty, then our hearts should be full of joy and our halls filled with singing!
An often cited reason for not pursuing a Christian education is cost. But now thanks to the Hope Scholarship, an empty tomb education is more affordable than ever before. You can learn more about the Hope Scholarship at Eligible students can receive up to $4300 to go towards their tuition at Emmanuel Christian School.